Wednesday, May 30, 2012

see-through people, that aren't invisible

"Holy people" who are regarded as a god incarnate KNOW they're not a god. But they keep it to themselves. 

They're either megalomaniacs, tyrants, charlatans, religious zealots or swindlers. At best. Otherwise, they have some secret reason for encouraging people to revere them or they just get off on being evil. Anyone who allows themselves to be revered as a god or as being in direct contact with a god should be either pitied, feared or found somewhat entertaining. Usually entertainment isn't applicable. There are a lot more of these misguided, deluded  idiots out there than you can imagine. You may be one of these people. I could be one. They're everywhere. Belief in the supernatural ensures that these people will surface. They cannot exist in a society of free thinking intelligent people. Unfortunately, such a society doesn't seem to have ever existed. Yet.

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