Saturday, June 15, 2013


...and I don't mean Skateboard Magazine.

Thrasher is a song by Neil Young and can be found on the Rust Never Sleeps CD. I hadn't heard of this song until a friend (Buzz Buzzizyk AKA Maximum Traffic)  mentioned it in a letter. He said it was one of his favorite songs, or maybe he said it was one of his favorite Neil Young songs. I don't remember.

In any case, I downloaded the sheet music from Music Notes and started playing the song on the keyboard. I downloaded the actual song from iTunes to help me get used to and learn to play it well. I'm going to send Max the CD when it's done. I think he'll like that.

BTW, do you like the links peppered throughout this post? I've never done that before in anything I've written. I'm not sure if it's annoying or interesting.

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