Thursday, March 13, 2014

Spring is coming

With only one more week to go, spring is just about here. With the beginning of daylight savings time (March 9th) and seeing the sun higher in the sky, it becomes more apparent everyday that the winter is coming to a close.

Unless, of course, you look out the window. It's snowing quite heavily right now. I guess that's allowed since it is still winter. But it's not amusing.

my anemometer

According to the anemometer, there is zero wind out there yet I can see gusts up to at least 10 mph. The conditions must have been just right to freeze the wind gauge as that has never happened before.

NEWS FLASH: I've discovered a game that I like. I'm not much of a game player and haven't been interested in any online interactive games, but Emily introduced me to the Scrabble-like game of Words With Friends. It's awesome. Yesterday, I used all the letters in my tray to make one word (reoiling).  I forgot how many points it was worth, but it was a lot.

Also yesterday, I joined Weight Watchers for Men Online. I'm not really sure how it differs from the regular Weight Watchers program, but it must be somewhat different. Who knows?

Since it's been a while since I've used the Weight Watchers point system, I noticed some changes and improvements with the online website. I'm expecting excellent results as the point system has worked very well for me in the past.

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