Tuesday, May 27, 2014

The Birds & the Bees

A word to the wise:
Hot Cross Buns
The bird feeders are attracting a wide range of birds. I'm seeing birds I never noticed before. Yesterday, I saw a bird  that was mostly black with some white and a red throat. A couple of Mourning Doves have moved into the neighborhood; they're out there everyday making their distinctive owl-like call. At this very moment there are 2 bright yellow finches, one small unidentifiable bird, a humming bird and  a crow hanging around.

Mourning Dove
Yellow Finch
a bird
another yellow finch
Mourning Doves?
bird on feeder
some kind of bird
Mourning Dove2
As for the bees part of the post - there are wasps on the back deck and on the front porch but they don't seem to be too bad. I've concocted a soap water/peppermint oil bottle spray that has been very effective in getting rid of wasps. It's completely safe around people, animals and plants. That's cool.

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