Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Sign Me Up!

Allen just returned from a "job interview." I asked him how it went when he got home. He made a few comments. I asked if this was the employment agency interview he had previously set up. He told me that it was that appointment but that it wasn't so much a real employment agency. I asked him how their services worked and after some vague response, he casually mentioned that it cost $3000 to buy this company's services. I asked him if he laughed when the woman told him this. For some reason he hadn't.

We don't help you with resume writing

He asked if the service guaranteed to find him a job. Answer: No.
He asked if they set up job interviews. Answer: No.
He asked if they assisted with job interviews. Answer: No.

We don't help you with fillin gout applications

After he told me the answer to each of these questions I again asked if he laughed. But he hadn't laughed. I, on the other hand, only saw ridiculous humor in this "service" he was being asked to buy into.

At some point, Allen somehow worked a question into the conversation about what exactly they DID do for $3000. The woman said they networked and "spread his name around." When I heard this the first thing I thought of was that they would be writing his name on bathroom walls. Apparently, this wasn't their method of networking but Allen couldn't be too specific with me about what, where, when and why they "networked him" because the sales pitch was (in Allen's words) convoluted. And he told the woman so. She lost her zeal for selling him her employment scam, I mean networking services after Allen didn't reach for his checkbook.

We don't actually recruit people for existing jobs

Incidentally, $3000 was the figure the woman quoted him because she said it was the level of service that would "meet his needs." Allen wasn't sure how she could know this since they hadn't discussed his needs.

So this is the state of the economy; if you want to use an employment agency, YOU have to pay them and they don't do much of anything for you.

We don't actually GET you a job

As soon as we were done with the discussion it struck me. This interview was a gift!

Allen needs to set up his own networking agency! It's a perfect job. You advertise yourself as an employment agency then you find people to buy your services. All you have to do after that is go to networking groups such as those sponsored by various organizations like the Chamber of Commerce or the Small Business Service Bureau, etc and hand out your customer's business cards. Hell, you don't even really have to GO to these networking groups, just say you did and report to your clients how many fascinating employers you networked with and handed their business cards to.

It's the perfect job. It doesn't have to interfere with your leisure time day activities and you don't work holidays.

I'm sold! Here's my $3000 !!!! 

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