Tuesday, June 05, 2012

A loss on the farm

A raccoon pried the small door open to the coop. It actually ripped the hook right out of the wood. Anyway, I knew something was wrong when I didn't hear the rooster crowing this morning. When I checked it out, all three of the black Cochins were, well, somewhat eaten. The stupid raccoon kills all three then eats a little bit of each one.

Honestly, I won't miss the rooster at all but I would have kept him. Cochins are really friendly. You can walk right up to them an they don't much care. If you pick one up it doesn't mind it at all.

Ironically, I had actually reinforced the door 2 days ago. It wasn't very secure, but it had been that way for years and seemed to be OK. I added an additional hook & eye latch, and that's what the raccoon ripped off. Then it just pulled the door open enough to squeeze in. I wish raccoons only had flippers and not little hands.

I should start catching these little monsters and relocating them to a nice quicksand bog somewhere in the forest. But I don't think there's any quicksand in central Massacusetts, so I will just have to out smart them.

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