Sunday, July 14, 2013

Mr. Peabody says: "Sherman, set the Waybac machine for the year 1968."

Mr. Peabody says "Sherman, set the Waybac machine for the year 1968." Sherman answers, "What's in 1968, Mr. Peabody?" Mr. Peabody smiles and says "you'll see..."

It’s 1968 and my 13th birthday. I’m having a birthday party. There are between 6 and 8 friends invited. I only remember Pamela Alsobrook by name. She has the distinction of being the first girl I ever kissed. 

For my present, I got a blue skateboard and I stood on it for a picture. I’m wearing a ridiculous white cowboy hat and making a smiling “don’t take my picture” face while pointing to whomever took the picture (almost certainly my mother). Pamela is looking at me laughing with a bigger laugh that is necessary for the great feat of standing on a skateboard while having your picture taken.

Of course, in 1968, getting your picture taken wasn’t as casual an event as it is today.

I have the actual photo of this event. If I can find it, I will add it to this post or to a future post. 

Update: I couldn't find the picture I mentioned above but I found a picture taken at the same time but the girl in the photo isn't Pamela, it's Patty Bushman.

UPDATE! I found the picture~ here it is:

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11/19/2014 12:08:00 AM  
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11/21/2014 06:48:00 AM  
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11/24/2014 03:00:00 AM  
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11/25/2014 06:28:00 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

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11/27/2014 12:01:00 AM  

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