Thursday, August 29, 2013

The Life of a Story in Progress XII: how does one change their mind?

I'm so stupid, I should have eaten the GREEN BERRY!!!

Change your mind and change the world.

If there's anything you can't change, it's your first impression. Secondly, it's also very difficult to change your reputation. As you know, it precedes you and often times IS your first impression. So what is one to do? I'll give you two choices. You must pick one, there's no third option.

1) Be elusive and secretive. Keep all your thoughts and feeling to yourself and don't come out on the side of anything controversial.

2) Live your life as if it were an open book, be aware of what is going on around you. Be accessible and present. In other words, live in the moment.

If you chose option 1, I don't know what's going to happen to you because you're not available for mutiny, I mean scrutiny. 

People won't know you or care what it is that you're doing because you're not making any waves nor are you rocking the boat. In other words, you're dead in the water.

If you ever come out of dry dock and want to sail the seven seas, you'll find that you've missed the boat and been left high and dry. You might say that you're somewhere between the devil and the blue sea; your goal may be to row full steam ahead but you're up a river without a paddle.  

On the other hand, if you selected option 2, you're a loose cannon and when given a wide berth, you'll take any port in a storm. When beached, you don't feel the need to batten down the hatches, if you catch my drift.

Usually you are an even keel, although you may occasionally haul up short and find yourself in the same boat as the scallywags who look one way but row another.

"O Captain! My Captain!" "Our fearful trip is done, the ship has weathered every rock, the prize we sought is won, the port is near, the bells I hear, the people all exulting." ---Walt Whitman



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