Saturday, August 17, 2013

The Life of a Story in Progress VIII: A year in the life.

It's been a year since we moved from 550 Old Dana Rd. in Barre, MA to our new home on some street in some town, MA. (I'd tell you where it was that I moved, but my daughter will not like that at all)

It's been an extremely busy year. We moved to our new home but first had extensive renovations done. We moved our business office (twice) after having to get a special variance from the town to run a business in a residential area.  We moved all the art to the apartment (Where our business was located) and then moved it all back to the house when we rented the apartment to a new tenant.
We had a massive yard sale and made about $30.00.  We set up an above ground swimming pool and learned to maintain it.

We escaped a big blizzard by having the good sense to be in the Caribbean on a cruise ship. We prepared for a hurricane, but it didn't live up to the expectations that were predicted. .

I had two significant injuries to both hands at different times, requiring stitches first time and although needing them on the second, I refused to have Lidocaine injected into the wound like the previous time. Allen also got involved in the medical drama by dropping a huge glass table top on his big toe. It’s been black and painful for over a month at the very least.

We installed 21 solar panels on the roof and will find out the actual savings we'll realize at the end of the billing period. Can't wait to see what it shows us. We saw The Book of Mormon for my birthday (2012) and also saw the musical Spiderman in November.

We had weatherization projects done in the attic including new flooring and air-sealing at the top of the walls (in the attic) for all rooms on the second floor.

We had new steps, railing, landings and gates built on our pool decking and we had a significant amount of trees cut down to open our vista.

And, of course, I got two new tattoos in May and without ceremony, got laid off from work in July. I’m probably forgetting at least half of what happened in the last year, but enough is enough.

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