Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Time to do some religion bashing...and this time with pictures.

You know, I think there's something really wrong with religion. I know, many of you will be surprised to hear this. OK, only kidding, if you're reading this blog then you probably already know how I feel about religion. If not, you will by the end of this post.

Part of a balanced religious regimen

Religion is morally corrupt. It is evil. The opposite of good. Religion pretends to be in the business of promoting goodness, doing good things, thinking good thoughts, blah, blah, blah...but if you disagree with a religious person's convictions, they just might kill you. 

Islamic Squirrels

Oh yeah, I know, "good people can be found in every religion." Oh sure, they're good until someone blasphemes their creator and ruler of their universe and then they'll just kill you.

Superman vs Jesus

Religion is vicious and insidious. Religion makes me want to vomit. It has undesirable qualities, lots of them. One of religions worse traits is to produce brainless morons who believe that they'll have a super nifty after-life if they convert everyone to their religion. And if they try to convert you but you don't want to follow their one true god, they'll probably kill you. 

Angelic Appearances Always Amuse

 Religion is worse than smoking cigarettes or not wearing sunblock. It's just that bad.

Jesus loves the little FaceBook people

Yes, I know, "it's the religious fanatics and fundamentalists that give religion a bad name." So the religious moderates must be OK, right? No. Not so much. They are the pillars of the temple that house and nurture all the fanatics and fundamentalists. Where do you think these fanatics and fundamentalist are coming from? 

Jesus displays misogynistic tendencies

Religion makes people insane. It's a great way to do horrible and despicable things and get away with it. No one is allowed to question anything you do if doing it is part of your religion's rules of engagement. No really, you can kill people if you want to.

Where are the mormons?

Did you know that there are so many different religions that you can shop around and find one that will support any kind of horror you wish to engage in. Most religious people like the religions that allow killing non-believers. 

Hey, Joe...want to give it a go?

If you encourage me, I'll revisit this topic often. Actually, I'll probably never stop ranting. This is who I am. You can like it or not. But because I eschew religion you don't have to worry about me killing you. 

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