Tuesday, September 10, 2013

The Life of a Story in Progress XIV: Preference for Precipitation

I don’t like rainy days that clear up and turn into sunny days near the end of the day. It’s really a rip-off. I think rainy days should commit to being rainy for the whole day. Otherwise, it’s not really a rainy day, is it? It’s just a partial rainy day. One doesn’t often hear someone say: “I like partial rainy days.”

I am a person who likes rainy days. I also like a few consecutive days of rain. A week…? Not so much. Maybe you are wondering why anyone would like rainy days.

There are many reasons to like rainy days. Firstly, there’s the smell. Rainy days have a unique smell. It reminds me of renewal and promise. The smell of rain is so significant that there’s even a word for it. It’s called petrichor. 

And then there’s the sound of rain. Rain sounds different depending on what it lands on. The best sound rain makes is when it hits puddles and rooftops. It’s nature’s surround-sound experience. Listening to rain is wonderful. Of course, the look of the sky and the sight of the falling rain are at the top of the list of the things I like about rain.

I like walking in the rain with an umbrella. It’s an event and an opportunity to be part of a special atmospheric wonder. Unlike rain’s harsh cousin the storm (more on storms later), walking in the rain is calm and soothing. There are songs written about walking in the rain. That’s how an important phenomenon it is.

Rain in the winter is special. It’s a reminder that the winter doesn’t last forever and that good things come to those who wait. Rain in the winter also means the temperatures are above freezing and temperatures above freezing are good. Sometimes, rain in the winter ends up becoming ice or creates icy conditions. Those things aren’t part of the reasons why I like rain.

My grandmother had an expression for the sight and sound of rain falling into a puddle or onto a sufficiently wet surface. She called this bah-nums. Bah-nums are the reciprocal upright splashes rain makes when it hits water that is already on the ground or in a puddle. When I first heard her refer to bah-nums, I was fascinated that she had noted the existence of these minute fleeting rain dances and that she had an actual name for the event itself.

There are times when rain can be a meditation. Or a hypnotizing experience. Sitting alone, quietly listening to rain can be soothing. I think it is an invitation to pause and reflect, or simply be present in the moment. I made a mix of rain, light thunder and wind sounds that play repeatedly throughout the night as I sleep. For me, it’s very calming and conducive to both falling asleep and having a good night’s rest.

I’ve now presented some of my reasons for liking rain and the events accompanying it. If you’re not a fan of rain, perhaps I’ve given you a new outlook in regard to it. Rain is a personal experience. It doesn’t matter if you like rain or not. Rain happens. There’s a saying: “Into every life a little rain must fall.” Why not make the best of it?

Update: the sun came out around 3:00-3:30 p.m. I'm not amused by this. As of 4:10 p.m., it is back to cloudy but the spell has been broken.

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