Thursday, September 05, 2013

When people aren't properly monitored, this can happen:

These are Jehovah's Witnesses. I have absolutely no idea what's going on in this picture.

Oh yeah, a few days ago, I fell and smacked my face into the edge of a desk. I got a lump the size of a quarter and a black eye and some cuts and scrapes. Nobody noticed.

It’s going to be cool tonight. It’s already 47 degrees out these. What’s next? Snow? I went in the pool today because I will not be bullied by the weather. OK, so it was cold. I don’t care. It will be much colder tomorrow but I will still go in no matter what the temperature is (both the water temp and air temp).

I dropped my iPhone flat-face down onto the ceramic kitchen floor. The back of the phone shattered but no pieces fell out. Way to go Apple! I asked Allen for a phone case (he has hundreds of them) and found one to keep the glass from falling out. Also, the top half of the camera lens has a blurry patch and all my pictures now come out with the top half of the picture all blurry… it looks like the Vaseline on the camera lens trick they used to film Lucile Ball when she starred in Mame (1974).

I made a small stone wall around the gargoyle in the driveway. Nobody noticed.




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