Saturday, September 07, 2013

Hello, I think I hate you.

Pray for More Dead Soldiers
Why do people hold fast to outdated prejudices of the past? Do they even know why they do the things they do or feel the way they feel? If they had to get prior approval from the Central Committee of Acceptable Practices in Regard to Basic Human Rights, how would they plead their case to be given license to engage in hateful, hurtful, non-productive bad behavior?

Bigots can't spell

Why are people endowed with the unconditional birthright to express hatred, discrimination, and the disenfranchisement of entire races or innocuous groups of people by hiding behind freedom of speech or the right to assembly? Are there not good laws to prevent bad behavior?

Nazi's are sick fucks

Do we allow organizations that teach people how to yell “fire!” in a crowded theater to be free to advocate and teach this behavior to others? Is there any justifiable reason to accept this practice because of a right of assembly or freedom to express one’s speech?

Who will mow their lawns?

Which of the following do you think are the names of actual organizations?

Aryan Terror Brigade
United Society of Aryan Racist Skinheads
Islam: The religion of peace and a big stack of dead bodies
Nuwaubian Nation of Moors
America's Invisible Empire Knights of the Ku Klux Klan
National Association for the Advancement of White People
Women for Aryan Unity
Tri-State Terror

Obamas as monkeys

Oh hell, you've already figured out that they all are legitimate organizations within the U.S. 

How is that our society is going in THIS direction?

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