Sunday, October 06, 2013

Tribute: Little Green Men XVII, I've come up with a plan

Sometimes I worry about things. Important things, unimportant things, just about anything. But I've decided not to worry on Mondays. That's right, Mondays are no-worry days. It's like a vacation from, well, worrying.

And yes, I know, I haven't written anything significant in a few days. It concerns me. Good thing tomorrow is Monday.
Please help this poor little green man. He thinks he's arrived on earth in the early 80's. He believes that if he dances like a robot he will blend in and not be detected while he carries out his reconnaissance mission.

Did you know that recognizance is totally different from reconnaissance?

 And another thing:

Can you stop yourself from being an atheist through prayer? 


I wrote a new song 2 days ago. I didn't make any corrections or edits to it as I wrote the notes down. It's a great song and may become the featured song of my new CD and the song's name may be the CD title.

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