Thursday, October 03, 2013

The Life of a Story in Progress XVII: LSD

If you are a regular reader of this blog, you know I went to school in Karamursel, Turkey. While there, I had opportunity to take LSD. So I did.

My LSD "trip" was a very pleasant one. No bad trip scene occurred. Apparently this is a possibility.  Considering the effect LSD has on the mind, a bad trip must be, well, bad.

The LSD affected my vision, perception and motor abilities. Most regular and normal stimuli was changed in some way. Some things seemed intense, others more subdued. One of the most prevalent effects was surreal visions. Here are some examples:

1) I went to a softball game (who knows why, I had/have no interest in sports whatsoever). When the hitter hit the ball, the ball would leave behind a trail along its trajectory. This looked like a white line from the place where the ball hit the bat to wherever the ball ended up. Occasionally the ball would be caught by a player, thrown to another player (let's say the second baseman), then perhaps thrown to base. The white line left behind the ball as it made its journey remained visible and the white line would have then shown a record of the entire play. After a while, the line(s) would slowly drift to the ground and disappear. The process then repeated with the next play. Sometimes, the lines wouldn't disappear for a longer period of time and the field would then be littered with lines from previous plays and looked like a field of spaghetti.

2) In the dormitory (where I lived), the floor had common one-foot square tiles. The floor had a checkerboard pattern of red and black squares. As I looked at the floor I saw that the the red squares (only the red ones) appeared to be raised up about 2 or 3 inches. As I walked down the hall, I stepped on the red squares, which pushed them back down. I had to get all the red squares pushed back down, it took a while. As far as I know, nobody asked me what the hell I was doing.

3) There was a mid-sized boat propped up into an upright position behind a building near the back edge of the base. The base had waterfront on the black sea, so a boat wasn't so much out of place, but it was really far away from the water. Me and a friend used to sit in the boat (in the lower level, which was quite large) and smoke hash. This is what we were doing during part of my LSD experience and while inside, the boat began rocking back and forth as though it was being tossed about by the sea. The rocking became very pronounced and I couldn't get myself into a stable position. It felt like I was very forcefully hitting the inside walls. Apparently, this wasn't true as I didn't have any bruises the next day. BTW, this didn't qualify as part of a bad trip because I wasn't very concerned about the situation as it occurred.

I don't really know how long the trip lasted, it began in the late morning and I think it ended sometime the next day (while in school).



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