Tuesday, February 04, 2014

Wishes, Questions, and Videos!

Visit the Magic Wishing Well
A potpourri of Wishes dropped into the Magic Wishing Well
and Questions left for Baba Rae Saba

Magic Wish 1: I wish I could lose 65 pounds by the end of the week.
Magic Wish 2: I wish I could lose 75 pounds by the end of next week.
Magic Wish 3: I wish I owned a credit card with endless money only for myself with the pin # 1049.

Magic Wish 1: I wish the police let me and my mum go free
Magic Wish 2: Will we move to our own country?
Magic Wish 3: I want to marry Bill but  get divorced in Hawaii

Magic Wish 1: Will i stay with Ethan Murdie or will i have to devour him?
Magic Wish 2: I wish it snow in every state in the USA
Magic Wish 3: I wish that I had an ability that let me alter every aspect of my form however I wanted in under five minutes that I knew how to use without destroying anything

Question to Baba: Will my children look weird if I had any?
Question to Baba:I have been told that I was cursed by my parents...is that true?
Question to Baba: Does God really hate me this much?

God Hates Rags
CLICK HERE to watch some funny videos on YouTube

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