Thursday, June 05, 2014


God will poke you if you sin against him
Sometimes, I feel sad because I have a thought - a good thought - about something I want to do. But after I have the thought, I forget what it was I wanted to do. 

A lot of these thoughts are really good ideas. I think I'm missing out on some fun and creative opportunities. But there's not much I can do about it. I thought about making a voice memo when I have a good idea. The problem is that by the time I get the iPhone, select the app and press record, I've already forgotten what it was I wanted to remind myself about. 

I had an idea about how to remedy this, whenever I get an idea I could yell it out at anyone who's around. Chances are they'll remember it long enough for me to make a voice memo or text the idea to myself. Of course, that approach will probably not be appreciated by people and get old quick.

There was a time when I decided that a forgotten thought didn't matter. That is, if I forgot it, it must not have been worthwhile remembering. But that idea didn't last too long. I know some of those forgotten ideas were quite good.

And in case you are wondering, I didn't forgot that I wrote about forgetting things before. That post had a much broader scope. This post is just about having a hard time reminding myself of things that come to mind.

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