Sunday, June 08, 2014

Southern Style

Oh My! Beer in Texas in the mid-sixties.
When I was 12 years old, I went to the Alamo. It was much smaller than it should have been. Inside, it looked like a cross between Ripley's Believe It or Not and an old west saloon; minus the bar, stools, table and piano. On the shelves I saw a two-headed snake and other formerly living creatures suspended in formaldehyde. I wasn't expecting that. There were historical flags that flew over Texas in the past when it was under Spanish, French and Mexican rule and one for when it was a republic unto itself, a flag during the Confederacy and finally the flag of the United States (which at that time had only 28 stars).

Technically, there were 6 flags that flew over Texas, but with a twist. Spain had 2 flags during the period of time in which it governed Texas, so one might count those as 2 different flags. France didn't have a national flag during the time it governed Texas and it didn't rule over the entirety Texas, just a failed coastal colony. So, there really wasn't a French flag at all. When the "6 Flags Over Texas" are depicted, there are many different designs used to represent the flag of France during the late 1600's (the short 6 years of its rule over Texas).

Other important things about Texas:

There were two brands of beer in the mid-sixties in Texas that had memorable commercial jingles; Hamm's beer and Lone Star beer. Lone Star beer's jingle was to the tune of Hey Look Me Over and Hamm's had their own tune - a very condescending musical tune that featured a stereotypical Native American drum beat (along with a cartoon bear).

In the city of San Angelo (in the mid-sixties) it was illegal to sell alcohol or fireworks within the city limits.

The entire state is overrun with Horny Toads (AKA Texan Horned Lizard). These things were covered in spikes and you could catch them fairly easily. The spikes were tough but didn't cut into your hand when you grabbed one. Strangely enough, when threatened, these things shot blood out of their eyes (yeah, weird).

One strange plaything that I had during my years in Texas was scorpions. I don't know why poking these things and catching them in jars and otherwise interfering with their lives was appealing, but it was.

Lastly, but only in terms of this post--there were tumbleweeds. Yes, they looked exactly as portrayed in the movies. These things came in many sizes and you'd see them blowing around in the wind all over the place. There wasn't, however, anything appealling about them in terms of amusement.

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