Tuesday, July 22, 2014

I was just wondering...

Don't let this happen to you!

While strolling through the cemetery I thought:
I don't understand all the fuss.
There's nothing here but marble and dust.

While walking through a supermarket I thought:
Why is almost all of the food on the shelves devoid of nutrition and jam-packed with white flour, excessive sugar and ridiculous amounts of unhealthy fats?

While running down a country road I thought:
What is that huge plastic kid's teeter totter doing in the woods?

When lying still on my back in bed I thought:
Why is there a werewolf in my over-night rainstorm CD? 

When checking my email I thought:
Why does spam exist? We managed to go to the moon in 1969 using computers with less computational power than an average cell phone so why are we powerless to eliminate  superfluous and unnecessary trash-mail? 

When I hear about the amount of financial assistance given to other countries I thought:
Why are the top 5 countries receiving foreign aid from the U.S. Israel, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq and Egypt?

When I see someone get a touchdown, sing well on a singing competition TV show, win an Emmy, Grammy or Tony award or accomplish anything significant I thought:
Why the hell are they pointing up to the sky? Is it some kind of "made you look" thing?

While contemplating my economic situation I thought:
Why do we spend in excess of 670 BILLION dollars each year on defense but can't have universal national health care?

While spending hours and hours per week moderating, updating and improving the misophonia website and Facebook group page I wondered:
Why do people complain about messages left by people who are looking for answers to questions that may have already been asked before? And, why do people get riled up when someone makes a suggestion or expresses an opinion that they don't agree with when the purpose of the group is to discuss all aspects of misophonia? And finally, why do people vent about off-topic subjects?

While waiting for summer weather I wondered:
Why is that pool filter running 6 hours per day?

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