Sunday, July 13, 2014


Ununseptium doesn't exist

     For those of you in the know, I am anxiously awaiting my electric meter to read zero. Yes, that's right, I said zero. Last winter the meter read around 1400 or so. Beginning in June, the meter started running backwards as my solar photovoltaic system generates electricity compliments of that nearby star (the one that is only 92,960,000 million mile away). Yesterday, it read 76. I think it will show zero within a week. Depends on the weather, of course.

     In other exciting news, I cleaned up the driveway (all 600 feet of it) and it looks really nice. Since we have such a long driveway that weaves through the forest before leading one to our home, I thought it would be cool to make it a pleasant journey.

     If you see me today, please remind me to shave.

     I have been working on the website almost everyday. It's getting better all the time. I get at least 5-7 comments everyday (that's more than 200 per month) about the online self-test that helps a visitor decide what level of involvement they have with misophonia. I review the comments before they're posted. The ten most recent comments can be seen on the home page in the sidebar. The Facebook page is also doing well. Currently it has 1,614 members. That's about 400 more than it had when I took the site over as admin back in March. Here's the current Facebook cover photo:

     OK, just wanted to check in and let all my readers (all 3 of you) know what's going on. I'll be getting ready for my run soon. Technically, I don't run, I jog. But it sounds funny (to me) to say: "I'm leaving soon for my jog." I don't think anyone says that.

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Blogger jim said...

Are you struggling with understanding the rules of basketball, but you love watching it anyway? If so, you are not alone. Plenty of people don’t know a lot about basketball. | | | | |

9/29/2014 01:45:00 AM  

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