Sunday, July 06, 2014

More Magic Wishing Well Wishes and Questions for Baba

Visit the Magic Wishing Well

Do I have 13 wishes more than Namrod?

I wish my ex-wife would get out of prison to help me with the kids so I can spend time with my girlfriend Beverly.

I wish for a many foods in the kitchen life.

Move to a detached bungalow where its safe secure and secluded and peacefully desecrated.

I wish my internet was back on.

I wish to be an elf.

I wish I had a loyal girlfriend that is addicted to sex & has no STDs and had has a beautiful body and she can transform into anything I desire, but has freewill to be with me.

I wish I have a 5 bootles of mermaid potion.

Can I clone myself?

Is rick going to try and put me in a home?

Are there a lot of fruit flies circling the extremities of the living room right now?  FYI: a lot = more than ten.

Is there only one direction?

Will the paper under my bed turn into magic paper?

Does anyone have a hat for me?

Is Baba a dog?

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