Monday, October 06, 2014

Battered because of batteries

Yesterday, as I was about to go to bed, I had a thought that came out of nowhere. It was a thought about the batteries in my biometric gun safe and how they haven't been changed in a long time. If the batteries run out, you can't scan your fingerprints which is how the safe is opened.

biometric gun safe 

Before being cracked.

Yes, it does come with a key, but I lost them. Yes, both.

Although I could have left this conundrum alone until morning, I felt the challenge was too great to ignore. I studied the safe; there wasn't any discernible gap along the edge of where the top half met the bottom. But I knew that was where I would have to start. Keep in mind, there is a revolver inside the box and I can 't just start smashing away on it without damaging the gun.

batteries dead in the biometric gun safe
 Starting to give in a little.

With some forceful yet controlled pressure, I was able to get a small thin screwdriver in between the top and bottom halves. I then knew the box was was going down! It took a lot of pressure to insert ever-bigger screwdrivers along the edges around thew case. The case wasn't too keen on giving up just yet. Using a screwdriver (screwdrivers were the only tool I used) I start to pry up on the front of the case.

I'll have to break into the biometric gun safe

 On the way to victory.

At this point it was only a matter of time before I would defeat this safe. And that brought up an interesting question. WTF? How safe is a gun safe that can be opened using 3 or 4 screwdrivers and having an extra 4-5 minutes on your hands?

safe broken into using screwdrivers in about 6 minutes

This safe isn't safe at all.

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