Sunday, August 31, 2014

Super Powers

Everyone has a super power inside them. Not all superpowers are the same, however. Take Matter-Eater Lad above. He's a real super hero and is a member of the Legion of Super-Heroes. He possesses the power to eat matter in all forms but his power is so stupid that it sickens me.

This is Squirrel Girl. She has the mutant power to communicate with squirrels. Yes, that's it. Her superpower is communication with squirrels. And you thought Matter-Eater lad was lame...

OK, ready for this? This is Arm Fall Off Boy. I'm not kidding. His name is Arm Fall Off Boy. This is somewhat of a misnomer because his arm doesn't fall off, he pulls it off. Then he uses it as a blunt weapon to beat villains. This is worse than Matter-Eater Boy AND Squirrel Girt put together. In fact, I'm ashamed to mention him at all.

My point in bringing these super powered beings to your attention is to prove that YOU have superpowers, there's no doubt about that. Think about it, you can probably do all sorts of amazing things.

Do you use your super powers to the benefit of others or only to improve your own life? As a super hero, you have an obligation to banish evil and promote peace and prosperity to the people of earth. Never use your powers for evil. if you do, you run the risk of being eaten, paralyzed by squirrel talk or beaten with an arm.

What could be worse than that?


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