Friday, August 22, 2014

A discussion of great nothingness

snakes for jesus

As we know, this doesn't always work out well

A slightly disjointed religious rant.  

"Holy people" who are regarded as a god incarnate KNOW they're not a god. 
But they keep that to themselves. 

At best, they're either megalomaniacs, tyrants, charlatans, religious zealots or swindlers. Otherwise, they have some secret reason for encouraging people to revere them or they just get off on being powerful and controlling. Anyone who allows themselves to be revered as a god or as being in direct contact with a god should be either pitied, feared or found somewhat entertaining. Usually entertainment isn't applicable. There are a lot more of these misguided, deluded idiots out there than you can imagine. You may be one of these people. I could be one. They're everywhere. 

Belief in the supernatural ensures that these people will surface. They cannot exist in a society of free thinking intelligent people. Unfortunately, there doesn't seem to be such a society in the world of which I am aware. Was there ever one?

Sometimes, people proclaim that all ancient societies have had supernatural/godlike belief systems. They'll bring up examples of religions that existed thousands of years before Jesus. Those examples are meant to show that religion and a belief in an all-powerful creator is hard-wired into the brain of the human species. And to them, this must mean that there's a force at work that beckons people to have religious aspirations and come to acknowledge a personal god in the process. Incidentally, unanswered in that proclamation and line of reasoning is an answer to the question of what happened to the millions of people who lived before Jesus and believed in a god other than the Christian god? Were they all doomed to eternal damnation in hell? But that's not for this discussion...

To my way of thinking, having the belief that if something has existed for a very long time proves that it is true is just ridiculous. And if this need for a mysterious almighty power somehow makes it incumbent upon all future generations forever to come to accept this old concept as having eternal validity then we, as a species, are mostly likely not going to be around too much longer (in cosmic-scale times). As matter of interest, the belief that something is true and valid if it has existed for a long time presents problem to the Christians, doesn't it? How can they reconcile the fact that there were religions that came before Christianity that lasted much longer than Christianity has so far?

The next time you meet a holy person, perhaps you can ask them about some of these things. I'm past the need to have a dialogue about religion or a god with the leaders of any religion. I don't get off to a good start on those times in the past when I have tried to do this. I can't call a priest "father" when addressing him, nor can I offer any other holy men their courtesy titles. These titles are ridiculous. I won't use them and in so doing acknowledge their belief that they are in contact with or have a special arrangement with the one true god of their particular flavor of woo woo. They're all deluded idiots that are not even worth my pity.

Last thought: 

What would happen if the Christian god changed his mind (and exercised his prerogative to work in a mysterious way) and sent a SECOND SON to the people of earth? WTF? 

Would the Christians:

1) Recognize it as valid? How would they know it was brought to be by a god?
2) Accept his words and deeds as equal or would his acts and commandments supersede his younger brother's word?
3) Would they proclaim this new son of a god the anti-Christ and kill him? This time around, would the Christian god ALLOW his second son to BE killed?
4) And lastly, what mysterious mandate would this new son of god have?

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