Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Cup-o-Joe for Christ

When I was young, coffee stained the inside of white coffee cups. This doesn't seem to be the case any more. I don't know why.

milky-white 1960's coffee cup
A reasonable depiction of the coffee cups

Once in a while, my mother would say: "It's time to bleach the coffee cups." And that's just what she would do.  The coffee cups (there were 4 and they had a milky-white slightly translucent composition) would be filled with water and some amount of bleach and allowed to sit quietly in the sink for an hour or so.  I don't know if these cups didn't get washed too well on a routine basis or if the material from which they were made was a coffee stain magnet. But after the cups were sufficiently bleached white, she would rinse them out and the cycle would begin anew. Coffee cup bleaching was an event not to be taken lightly. It had to be announced and the process laid out for all to see. It was fascinating, in a sort of incredibly mundane, arcane and inane way.

Speaking of the ridiculous:

Reticently, an impressive Selfie taken was on the 98-foot tall Christ the Redeemer Statue in Rio by a British travel company executive named Lee Thompson. Yes, this guy stood on the head of Jesus to take his own picture. The most interesting thing about this is that the statue has access stairs inside of it to allow for repairs to the statue. This was news to me. Anyway, it seems that wind and water erode the statue which sounds alright but they also need to repair the statue after lightening strikes. This strikes me as funny. Why would God throw lightening bolts at his only begotten son?

Lee Thompson Stands on Jesus' Head and takes Selfie

And while we're on the subject of discussing monogenes, how can three flavors of God be the same and equal if one of them is one of the three's only begotten? Yeah, that's a strange sentence. The Christians love discussing this a LOT. Seems that the Greek translation of monogenes is ripe for its own reality TV show. Perhaps it should be called "translation-wars."

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