Saturday, July 26, 2014

I can see you

Why aren't we invisible?

Sometimes you can do everything right but still fall short. This is called religion. Religion is an ancient practice in futility that is thought to be essential to obtaining eternal life. The concept of dying and sliding into oblivion is horrific to people because they don’t believe that they are not the most important thing that has ever existed in the universe. 

The idea of a finite existence is so terrifying that the resulting backlash (religion) includes convoluted incomprehensible practices that are comprised of reprehensible atrocities disguised as piousness. This insanity is necessary to allow the human mind to be distracted enough to ignore the logic and lack of evidence to support the claims of religion. And although eternal life is both highly implausible and inconceivable to the human mind, it is the escape clause to the alternative: eternal nothingness.  

The same people who are afraid of a true death are also people who don’t seem to be bothered by the billions of years that occurred before they were born. Why isn’t that period of time equally repugnant? Why do people expect to live forever but not have already existed forever? Isn’t forever “from eternity”? If forever only includes all of the time yet to come, then where did the essence of what people believe themselves to be come from in the first place? Was there a time when they didn’t exist?

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