Monday, August 25, 2014

Birthday 2104


Today is my 59th birthday. I was going to review it but it's not over yet. So far, I've had 2 Dunkin Donuts sesame seed bagels for breakfast with Starbucks coffee. Also, I got some M&M peanut candies and an uptown tour bus tour. It was great. In the middle of the tour I became extremely anxious and took an Ativan. It didn't do anything so took another. That one didn't do anything for at least a half hour and it's effects were minimum. Then I rested for an hour listening to new age-like music and rain. While I rested, Allen went out and bought me a Captain America t-shirt. Now, in a few minutes we're going out for salmon. I'll let you know about the rest of birthday later. If I remember to...

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