Friday, June 08, 2012


11:41 AM
I looked out the window a little while go and there was a raccoon eating the goose feed right in the middle of the goose pen. I ran out and threw rocks at it. It ran off, but then it stopped and looked back to see how serious I I ran towards it and actually hit it with a rock. Score one for the human.

I know it's the same raccoon that ate my chickens a few days ago. That's what they do, they hang around where they've found food. I set the live catch trap in front of the barn where the raccoon made its escape from my rock barrage. Actually, I don't care about using the live catch trap. I would set out a bear trap with huge spikes if I had one. I baited the trap with peanut butter. We'll what happens overnight. And that's another thing, where does that raccoon get off poking around in the daytime? It didn't appear sick, but who knows.



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