Sunday, June 30, 2013

Mad Scientist

Yesterday, I checked the pool chlorine, free chlorine, PH and alkalinity (those are the standard things you check) and the levels were ALL exactly where they're supposed to be! This was the first time I'd gotten these much sought after readings.

To get all of these readings takes some know-how and some patience. There's no luck involved.* In addition to the excellent readings, I also have eliminated the remnants of the cloudiness caused by the sub-standard Wal-Mart PH balance I'd added a week ago.

So, the pool is awesome!

Note: why check the PH of the water and then check the alkalinity separately?  Alkalinity is on one end of the PH spectrum (which runs from acidic to base AKA alkaline) I think I'm right about that, but there must be a reason that both are checked...

*remember: belief in luck means you believe that some people defy the laws of probability or you believe in cause without effect

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