Monday, June 24, 2013

To rent or not to rent. That is the dilemna.

It's not really a question. Just a psychological dilemma. Renting is inevitable. It's just going to take some time...and a whole lotta wine...

I showed the apartment yesterday without having advertized or even put a sign in the front yard. I wasn't ready to begin this arduous process. Plus, the apartment isn't empty or clean. Hmn, I don't even know where my 'For Rent' sign is.

The couple were pleasant enough, but hard to read. They really didn't say much of anything at all. The man asked how much it was to heat the place. Good question, rough answer. I estimated that it would cost between 250 and 350 dollars a month (every month of the year). That's a LOT of oil.

So it begins. The search for the elusive normal tenant. Today, I hope to go and clean the apartment and set the furniture up so that it looks presentable.

I updated the website ( and the rental agreement and application. So, I'm ready to rock-n-roll. Hopefully, this time it will be an uplifting upbeat pop tune rather than a funeral dirge.

I'll mention the progress and experiences that I meet in upcoming blog entries. I'd say "wish me luck.' but that would mean that I believed that I could either defy probability, or that some things aren't a result of cause and effect. But I don't.

Although now, I'd welcome a little rental faerie.

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