Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Let music fill the air and do away with prayer....

We lost power last night for an hour or two. When the generator kicks in, you can hear maniacal laughter from within.

I'll have some new music to release in late summer or early fall. I have about 12 new songs but I don't think most of them will be included on this new CD.  My first CD included a wildly fluctuating collection of songs with styles as varied as could be. But this time, I'm going to try to make a CD of songs that go well together and make a coherent package. To that end, I think 5 of my new songs may be used and I'll start to focus more on writing songs that will meld together, I would even like to take it a step further and create what's called a concept CD, but that might turn out to be too ambitious for my second release. We'll see what happens.

Comedian Ricky Gervais (in regard to the Oklahoma tornado disaster) tweeted these words in response to the religious reaction to the disaster:

"Beyonce, Rihanna & Katy Perry sent prayers to Oklahoma. I feel like an idiot now...  I only sent money."



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