Wednesday, October 09, 2013

Please Don't Say These Things To Me

There are some abbreviations that make sense to me like "mph" and "IQ" and there are acronyms that make sense such as "FEMA," "NASA," "YMCA," and "WTF."

But then there are annoying childish-sounding made-up words that people use because:

1) they're stupid people
2) they don't know how to actually say the correct/proper word
3) they need/want to sound cool (but don't)
4) they live in a cartoon world where baby talk is acceptable for adult usage
5) they don't know better (never heard the correct way to say/pronounce something)
6) they're too lazy to fully commit to a word or phrase
7) they're too young to know that they're using a made-up word

I have a list of words that you should not use when communicating with me because I will associate you with one of the categories above. But I have to admit that there are some common ways to incorrectly abbreviate things that are (to me) harmless such as using "pm" instead of "p.m." and things like that.

But the following words will not endear me to you.....

The WORST abbreviation on my list is VEGGIES. OMG. I H8 it. Did you just learn to talk? Was "veggies" your first word?

And then there are the following offenders.  (not in any particular order)

mani or pedi - What are you, 4 yrs.old?

cuke and and delish - Ouch. Unfortunately, the Microsoft Word spell checker didn't object to either of those words. That's just sick. (and I don't mean sick as in "cool")

chicken parm - is just so wrong, wrong, wrong. It sounds like a disease that affects chickens, doesn't it? (and the spell-checked did NOT like that word)

24-7 - this one almost made my harmless list but I just can't completely accept it. It's possible that I may embrace this numerical abomination at some time in the future.

OK, this one is probably the second-most hated one I could think of, and that is the ignorant use of "ish." As in noonish or smallish. Those aren't real words, people!

How about pic or pix for pictures or pictures? I think people use those abbreviations just to annoy others. They KNOW they're using total grammar-gobblygook.(oh look, I just made up a stupid word... but at least it's not an abbreviation)

nada - when you're not actually speaking Spanish. Wrong.

hubby - to me that sounds really sarcastic... as in: The hubby is a complete idiot.

Congrats - no comment, just don't say it.

Here's an annoying one that isn't just annoying, it's really improper to use: the word MASS instead of Massachusetts. Why do people say "I'm going to Springfield, MASS"? It sounds like they're going to attend church services in Springfield, MA (or Massachusetts)

OK, these two and any others like them are really aggravating: lite and nite. Are you REALLY saving time by omitting TWO LETTERS???? 

..and whoever coined the word nosh for eating or snacking or whatever it's supposed to mean? It doesn't sound very appetizing to me.

fridge - ugh.

thks, or worse, thx - lazy, lazy, lazy...

And then there's unintentional redundancy. Less problematic but still weird to hear if you really think about it.

PIN number - uh, the letter n in PIN stands for the word NUMBER. Soooo, it's "What's your PIN"? Not "What's your PIN number"? Wow, I just though of PERSONAL PIN number... Ha!

some others:

free gift
SSN (another redundant use of the word number)
ATM machine
DMZ zone

But I'm being a real stickler in regard to previous examples. Nobody means to say "social secuity number number" or "automated teller machine machine." But tecnically, they are.

At lastly, here's one I used to enjoy from the early nineties. There was a Microsoft Opertating System called Windows NT and people would use the term, Windows NT technology." Ha ha, the N in NT stands for technology! (snicker here)

Caveat: if you use any of the above abbreviations or redundancies, then I take it all back. And yes, I thought of ending the post with a silly commonly used word/phase or superfluous comment but I resisted the urge. I think it's an overused ploy.

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