Sunday, February 16, 2014

Look at these pictures. Even if you don't want to.

The pictures in this post are disturbing but if you don't look at them, you will NOT fully understand what is happening in Russia and be fully aware of the human right violations being supported by the government itself. I know some of you will look at a few pictures and think “yes, I know there are egregious offenses taking place, but I don’t have to look at a bunch pictures to be aware of it…” But I disagree. Look and see for yourself what’s going on right now in Russia in the year 2014.

Gays beaten in the streets

Gay people in Russia face legal and social discrimination on a scale much larger than that found in most other "civilized" countries. There are currently no laws prohibiting discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation in Russian law.

Russia's shame

In 2013, Russia enacted a law that essentially makes it illegal to even suggest that gay relationships are equal to heterosexual relationships. Distribution of material on gay rights is also (for the most part) banned.

Inexcusable behavior out in the open

Since the passage of the "anti-gay propaganda law," many gay rights activists have been arrested and the incidence of hate crimes has escalated dramatically. If you want to be totally traumatized, go to YouTube and watch actual videos of gay people being beaten, abused, and humiliated in the streets. The problem is so common; it’s no longer relegated to the dark alley or remote location. No, it’s right out in the streets.

Russia's hateful legislation

A law prohibiting gay pride parades in Moscow (that was already on the books for the past one hundred years) has also become a very risky endeavor.

In my opinion, Russia's unconscionable attitude towards gay people is simply unacceptable and is deplorable. I think the Olympic committee (or whoever decides where the Olympics will be held) should be ashamed of their decision to have the Olympics in such a discriminatory, hostile, hateful country.

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