Wednesday, March 19, 2014

I can dream, can't I?

Tick Central Magic Wishing Well
(these are all REAL wishes left on the Magic Wishing Well)

1) If I ate the world, would I be in trouble?

2) I wish to turn into a permanent female elephant with the elephant teeth and with the elephant flash and with the elephant also with the elephant muscles and with the elephant 1400tonne blubber weight and with the elephant brown skin and with the elephant internal organics and with the elephant big large ears and with the elephant big long nose trunk

3) I wish that at 3:30 AM any empty can of soda I have will be filled with a muscle growth potion that will bring a slight pain to my growth and I can see my muscles grow big enough to rip a shirt

4) My question is on Baba's table but I'm not sure what the table means. 

5) will i ever get my wish and become the avatar like my dog that protects the world 

6) will the 99 cent stores close that i want and wish to close forever

7) Is there really a anti christ?

8) am I a person?

9) does my ex husband love his new girlfriend?

10) is Dominic Dobbs my twin brother?

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