Friday, March 21, 2014

Unimportant News is all I got for today...

Another Rainy Day in Barre.
When it rains, it pours. They say we may get a snowstorm tomorrow or the next day. I don't know if I believe it. Speaking of belief, do you understand the dynamics of how a moon or other object orbits a larger body such as a planet? It's actually pretty cool. Technically, the thing in orbit is falling towards the larger object that has a greater gravitational effect on the orbiting mass than the other way around. But here's the cool part, the thing in orbit is actually falling to the planet, sun, etc but it never quite stops falling. I can explain this much beter in person. Just ask. 

I just got my electricity bill but I don't want to open it. There wasn't very much sum in February, so I don't think I'm going to like the amount due. This month, the solar array has had a LOT more sun so the next bill will definitely be OK. Maybe I won't open the bill at all and just let them bill me next month with a balance due. That is probably the best way to go.
Do NOT antagonize a bandicoot.
New exercise mix in the works. Will have music from Cher's newest release as well as Madonna's. 

Also, work on my new CD continues. It seems that before I can record a song, I'm already working on the next one. I really have to start actually recording! I have 18 songs ready to go. I think the material falls into two camps. One is soft, dreamy stuff and the other is raucous bouncy fun upbeat crazy songs. I may have to make two different CD's.

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