Saturday, October 11, 2014

ecoideaman... HUH?

Here's link to page on which one guy states that he doesn't like to talk about himself and then goes on to type a looooong article about, well, him.

This guy says he is THE ONE person who knows what's wrong with the planet and knows how to fix it. All he needs is money. He's taken out a full page ad in American Atheist magazine. It's the backside of the cover of the magazine (therefor glossy). That couldn't have been cheap.

Nobody else could ever say more about this guy's singular mission to save the planet than he does. He is verbose, really verbose. You might say long-winded, even. I wanted to learn about the website but I couldn't get through the "read this first" page. I skimmed other pages including the Contact Page and the About Page but nowhere did I see his name or a picture. Uh, who's going to send money to a nameless, faceless ad?

Here's what this guy has to say about getting an email from you (or anyone).

"Please bear in mind that keeping on top of email can be immensely time-consuming, and sometimes I am not able to check my in-box for weeks (or more) at a time.  Therefore, please email me only if you have something important to communicate."

Wow, could he be anymore standoffish? This doesn't encourage to send him my money. How about you? If you want to check out his website - go for it. Let me know what you make of it. It thoroughly confuses me.

So the answer for me as to whether this is one of the most important websites I'll ever see would no. I think the best website I've ever seen is this one:

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