Tuesday, October 07, 2014


Get three free Magic Wishes!
With comments by Baba Rae Saba himself!

I wish for all the littlest pet shops in the world in my mail box but people still have their own. (You’re an idiot.)

I wish I had the ability to talk to animals. (You mean like Squirrel Girl??)

I wish my internet was back on. (uh, how did you submit this wish without internet access?)

I wish my parents would make me a German Shepard. (Besides the fact that they can’t, why?)

I wish to marry my orange crush. (That’s just silly.)

I wish for Gary is constantly thinking about a can of raviolis. (This is the best wish you could think of? You’re worse than the person who wants miniature pet shops (all of them) in their mailbox!)

I wish I had a machine to make fictional food. (Would that mean it would be calorie-free?)

I wish one wish of yours Baba, pick wisely or it will not be good. (Is this a threat?)

I wish for my husband to stop pursuing a divorce without me. (Is that possible?)

I’m Gary and I don’t owe her anything more after stealing the canned goods. (Wow, you WERE thinking about canned ravioli!)

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