Thursday, November 20, 2014


Why do people collect autographs? Is it to show that they actually met the person? That isn't really proof though. You can buy celebrity autographs on eBay. Or is it like collecting marbles or souvenir spoons when you travel? There's some connection made between the celebrity and the person who obtains the autograph, but what exactly is that? I don't know.

I'm not knocking it, I collect things myself. I look for really big rocks that I can stack. I also have a really nice collection of music books as well as many musical instruments. I collect them because someday I may wish to learn how to play them and if so, I'll be prepared.

I sometimes buy pieces of my past back. I bought a Magnus Chord Organ on eBay. It was the exact model I had as a child. It got me started down the road to becoming a musician. I hope I’m a musician. I play the keyboard and write music. Is that what one has to do to be bona fide musician?

But I don’t collect organs although I do have two keyboards and a piano (which I play once a year). I used to collect bells. I don’t have any of them anymore; none that I know of anyway. I also used to collect crystals. I still have them all but they’re stored in boxes in the basement. If I collect anything else, I am unaware of it.

Oddly enough, I actually do have a autograph. It’s Yoko Ono’s autograph. She sent me a card about 15 years ago. Oh yeah, she sent me an unpublished CD too. I think it was entitled Watch the Snow or something with the word snow in it. I have it somewhere. I pretty sure that is also signed. Hey! I must be a collector of autographs! Wow. That’s so weird.

I’ve decided to provide my autograph here free of charge and you don’t even have to meet me.



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