Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Unimmaginable Power

Many of the people who post on the misophonia support group are trolls and miscreants. The regular people spar with them until someone reports the post to me and then I must investigate the matter and decide to delete the posts, warn the offender or simplly delete the post and ban the user on the spot.

These god-like powers are difficult to keep in check. Sometimes I cut in line at the grocery store and if any one complains, I raise my hands up high and say in a loud voice: "I AM THE ADMIN!" Since no one really knows what the hell that means, they sort of just mumble themselves back in line behind me.

Once, in church, the Eucharistic minister tried to put a wafer of bread in my hand, I tasted it and then I spit it it out and demanded a toasted wafer. I arose and raised my arms up to sky (only this time I also pointed with my index finger to get the church going folk on my side). Sure enough, several people approached me with toasted wafers. It was heavenly. After consuming the toasted wafers, I am stood on a table and cried: "Your ADMIN is pleased and blesses you and all the prodigy you father from now and for nine centuries to come!"

My last act as ADMIN to the masses occurred  when I entered a Police Station and demanded they release all the prisoners who have proclaimed themselves to be innocent. None of them were amused nor did they take a poll or make any other effort to ascertain which of the detainees were innocent. I stood up on a table and yelled in a powerful voice: "I am the ADMIN, you will listen and do my bidding.  LET THE INNOCENT PEOPLE GO NOW!!!" The police reacted in a rather brusk manner, 8 of them wrestled me to the floor and threw me in a holding cell.

This is where I and now and I am using the time to perfect my grand declaration: "I am the ADMIN!!!" Some of the other innocently detained people seem to have special powers as well. One man said he was a man named Jesus and that his father got lost in the sky but will be coming back from the sky soon. I'm not sure if Jesus' father will recognize my powerful abilities as an ADMIN and since he's coming soon, I may not have much time left to practice... so I must leave now and prepare for this exciting meeting between me and Jesus' father.

I am the ADMIN!
I am the ADMIN!
I am the ADMIN!
I am the ADMIN!
I am the ADMIN!
I am the ADMIN!

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