Sunday, October 26, 2014

Busy as a Busy Bee

Hi Everyone, all 3 of you.... I'm sorry I haven't posted in a while. Well, nothing significant anyway. But I've been really busy packing up drugs. I want to write a story about my past for Sarah, or a cool Green Garden Tale for Emily or Socio-Funny piece for Allen, but there's so much drugs to pack! It's ridiculous, really.

OK, here are some Magic Wishing Well wishes and Ask Baba rae Saba questions to tide you over until my next big story....

Questions for Baba:

1) Will my family get their Vichyssoise?
2) Who is my preferred carrier?
3) will himanshu sit with me forever?
4) Does ray know me about me?
5) If my wish cannot be granted may I be granted a question?
6) yes or no, can I impersonate a mermaid's friend?
7) Is Jesus with me?

Wishes Dropped into the Wishing Well:

1) Go into a TV or laptop by touching them and go into any show shown on them anytime for 2 hours
2) I wish that I get all the insurance, mortgage company and refund money that is overdue to everyone I know.
3) I wish my family was white like white people, and i mean the WHOLE generation of my family, like my grandpa,grandma,aunt ,my dad brother mom and of course me tomorrow morning
4) I wish jack tutton had a hot opposite sex clone of himself and is 24 years old



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