Sunday, October 19, 2014

Music Notation & National Grid

Solar Energy is both free and abundant

It's officially autumn. All the leaves agree. I still have some flowers here and there but they'll catch on eventually.

I've been feverishly working on my Christmas CD of original music. It's a bigger project than I anticipated. First, I have to write the songs, record them and finalize the CD with post-production wizardry. I'm pretty sure I'm done with the writing phase. It's entirely possible that Allen is tired of me playing these songs over and over and over again in practice for the recording phase.

Speaking of music notation, I made an effort to learn and implement a few key (no pun intended) aspects of good music notation. I took the time to practice and I can now draw a mean quarter note rest. Also, I now have a complete understanding of tying notes across measures. It's something that I've always been able to read and play but writing original music notation is different from knowing how to read and play music. I like the idea of having my music written properly. It's an additional accomplishment to my musical repertoire.

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