Sunday, June 10, 2012

Muisance is still coming...

Today I want to talk about muisance. 

Muisance is a much larger project that I imagined. Once begun, I have to see it through, no matter how long it takes. There are almost a thousand pages on the website and the content is extensive. It features information, parody, satire, opinion, humor, indignation, personal history, social commentary, fascination and more. Often times, the content is presented in the form of an exposé . 

There are 4 phases to the process of creating the site. Phase one and two have been completed and consisted of general organization and selection of the broad categories to be presented as well as the presentation of the site's three main components: religion, science and an easter egg hunt . 

Phase three is the most intense and detail oriented phase. That's where I'm at now. The process involves editing each page starting at the first page and continuing to the last page. This process has to be completed many times. I have made 4 passes so far. I think I will need perhaps 3 more passes which means editing approximately a thousand pages on each pass. If I had to venture a guess about when the site will be completed, I would say it will take another month. 

Trust me, I'm dancing as fast as I can.



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