Friday, July 19, 2013


Stupid People:

1) That whacked-out old handbag lady from the Titanic movie. Why throw a billion dollar necklace into the sea? For love, all the morons say. That's not love it's stupidity. You want love? it is: build 500 women's shelters in your love's name. Donate the money to charity and at the press conference tell everyone about your True Love. What the fuck good did it do to throw it in the sea?

2) People who are 1000 years old and drive at least 15 mph under the speed limit. You don't have as much time as you think so you might want to get there a little quicker.

3) Thomas Jefferson. For helping to author the line: "All men are created equal" while he owned slaves.

4) All Young Earth Creationists

5) Q: Have you lived in this town all your life?
    A: Not yet. 

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