Saturday, October 19, 2013

Creative or just plain gross? (and a Little Green Man)

You Decide.

 Hello, I am an idiot. I do idiotic things and think idiotic thoughts. I have idiotic dreams and an idiotic wardrobe. Some people think I am stupid, but I am not. I'm just an idiot.

Magic Wishing Well Wish of the Day: I wish that me, my mother, and my sister will have white peoples hair by tomorrow. I wish that my hair, when it is white peoples hair, will be cinnamon brown colour, extremely silky, a bit thick and waist length hair. I wish that my sisters hair, when it is white peoples hair, will be cinnamon brown colour, extremely silky, a bit thick and bra strap length and I wish that my mothers hair, when it is white peoples hair, will be cinnamon brown colour, extremely silky, a bit thick and bra strap length. I wish that me and my sisters eye colour will be light brown by tomorrow. I wish that all of that will come by tomorrow.


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