Thursday, October 31, 2013

"yes," (incredulous look and tone of voice here) "it's raining..."

I didn't have anything in particular to write about today, so I'm going to post a laundry list of randomness.

Ask a weasel
Ask a weasel.

On writing:
I need to write something, anything at all.

On sleeping:
Last night I couldn't fall asleep. I did, however, think of a lot of interesting musical phrases. Some were new ideas and others were phrases for existing songs. As usual, I have no recollection whatsoever of these ideas. But many of them were really good.

On coffee:
Coffee is really good.

On winter:
I'm looking forward to plowing with my lawn tractor. I use it to clean up after the actual plowing is done. I have to remember to ask John to come over and convert the lawn tractor from mowing to plowing. It looks easy to do when watching him do it, but if I look at the parts and pieces by myself it looks really, really hard.

On Christmas:
No thoughts until early November when I decorate for Christmas. Oh wait, it IS early November! Cool, I'll go decorate now.

On winter again:
This winter will be the first winter after having extensive attic insulation work done. They did all this stuff:

1) Attic insulation - open blow - cellulose 4" - 972 sq. ft.
2) Attic floor insulation: FG batt/damming 64 sq. ft. (I have no idea what that is)
3) Air sealing - 'performed at 62.5 CFM50 per hour' (I don't know what that is either)
4) vent bath fan/soffit exhaust
5) Propervent 24OC - 54 of them (obviously they're vents of some kind)
6) Thermodome - for attic stair cover thermal barrier 'with carpentry'

All that work sounds like it should make a difference in keeping the heat in the house.

On music:
I have 16 or 17 new songs. I may start recording them soon. Also, I've decided to write some Christmas music and make a Christmas CD for 2014.

On grandchildren:
I will soon have twice as many grandchildren than I do now.

On going out to eat:
I need to find ways to cut down the household expenses so that we can go out o eat more often than we do now, a lot more.

On cleaning the house:
I like cleaning stuff.

On chocolate:
(see coffee above )

On retirement:
The jury is still out. I was supposed to retire September first but as soon as I think I'm out they pull me back in again.

On weight loss/gain seasonal cycling:
I'll continue to attempt to get it on a more level playing field but I'm not going to obsess over it anymore. I don't want to spend any more time worrying about certain things like that. I just don't have the time or interest.

On tribal feudalism:
I don't really have anything to add to that subject that hasn't been covered by Karl Marx.

On cutting down trees:
I'm enjoying my new extended vista and will be reshaping it over in the years to come.

On Good & Plenty candy:
(see chocolate above)

On making lists:

Definitely do this. It's amazing how much you can get done if you view the list as a challenge to your core values and most treasured personal convictions. Don't let the list win!

On the ukulele:
I must start playing it everyday.

 You know what they say; "Where there's sand..."

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