Thursday, February 20, 2014

American Idol Worship

American Idol Spirtual Advisors ,,,WAH????
Fox's American Idol singing competition provides the contestants with coaches and mentors such as people to help with wardrobe, makeup, moving around on stage, song selection and working with the live band. Stuff like that. But this year they've added something new.

Check this out: 
“You shall not make for yourself an idol” is an abbreviated form of one of the Ten Commandments which, according to the book of Deuteronomy, were spoken by God to Israel and then written on stone tablets by God himself.

The folks at Fox must have gotten a warning from the almighty about making idols as this year they have added.... SPIRITUAL MENTORS presumably to cancel out that "not make for yourself an idol" thing.

I don't  think God is going to be fooled by this lame attempt to circumvent one of his biggest commandments. It's the second commandment. That's way up the list.

I wasn't surprised when I heard this announcement on the show the other night. But it did make me throw up.

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