Monday, June 11, 2012

Successful capture!

The raccoon was finally captured! I set the trap out this morning in the same place as the previous 2 mornings. On schedule, it came out from under the barn and went into the trap. It was eating peanut butter for a while and I thought I hadn't put the bait far enough into the trap and it was successfully reaching over the trip plate for its snack. But then it must have taken that one extra step and Blam! The door shuts tight.

I moved the trap away from the geese so they couldn't see it, it was still ruining their day.

Let's avoid the "poor raccoon" sentiment. You probably wouldn't think it was so cute as it ate the head off of a chicken and killed two others for no apparent reason. Or perhaps you can visualize it eating one of more of the 1-week old goslings. I suppose there's no reason to believe it couldn't win in a fight against one of the full-grown geese either.



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