Friday, July 19, 2013

The Life of a Story in Progress 010: Starts and Stops. Allen.

This is the letter (really a note, I suppose) that Allen sent me after I answered his want ad in the Worcester Magazine in September 1992. I recently asked him (in 2013) what he meant by "be discreet," but he had no idea why he wrote that in the note. You can see my notes on the directions he gave me over the phone. He actually had me go to two different places before finding his place. He postponed the time of the meeting the first time then had me go to a phone booth near his house to call and get further directions. it was all very bizarre. 

After that afternoon, I called him the next day to see if he wanted to get together again. He said that he did but that he already had a date with another guy named Paul. We did get together again the next day and then we saw each other everyday for the next two weeks. At that point, he said I should move in. So I agreed. 

Note, I had just left a long-term relationship a week or so before meeting him, people did comment that we couldn't possibly last very being fresh out of a relationship and all...  but it's been about 21 years now so I think we've made a real go of it.

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