Thursday, November 07, 2013

Christmas is coming...the celebration of the actual birthdate of the sweet baby Jesus

Notes on Christmas 2013

it's just one blog after another
Yes, the house is decorated for Christmas. We decorated 2 days ago. Or maybe three, I forgot. I love the decorations and the lights. I have to put the back deck Christmas tree out. Maybe tomorrow if it doesn't rain.

The Annual Christmas Questionnaires were mailed today. Look for yours in the mail soon.

There's 47 days, 8 hours and 42 minutes until Christmas according to the countdown gadget on the Tick Central website.

It's a tough year for me this year, I can't seem to get my gift giving hat on. I've made several attempts but I haven't bought much of anything. I hope I get a gift lift soon. Any suggestions?

 Magic Wishing Well Wish of the Day: 
"to have a job where I make enough of money to live without evil" 

green ink

I'm still waiting for someone to comment on my recent post:

Recently discovered news...

Doesn't anyone have anything to say about this? 

...and where did the little green men go?


little green men

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