Saturday, November 02, 2013

Paul's Top Twenty Reasons: Why I Like Barre

Barre, Massachusettts

1) Barre is a small town, hence no traffic lights.
2) Barre is a small town, therefore no drive-by shootings.
3) Barre is not a large town, so you can know a large percentage of the entire population if you really wanted to.
4) Barre is scenic. Not so scenic that you’d think people would come here to “visit.” But just in case, we have visitor center.
5) Barre is not pronounced “bar,” so if you’re talking to someone on the phone and they pronounce Barre as the word bar, you know they’re from the deep south or at least as far west as Missouri.
6) You can have a family of turkeys wander around your yard and start to call them “your” turkeys.
7) Barre has plenty of parking no matter where you go.
8) Barre’s town lines make a nice diamond shape on the map.
9) Barre takes very good care of the roads in winter.
10) Barre is close to the towns of Wheelwright and Orange but not close to Worcester.
11) Barre has hokey things like a farmer’s market and summertime band shell concerts on the common.
12) If asked how to address him, the Chief of Police in Barre will tell you to call him Eric.
13) You can see the stars really well from almost anywhere except perhaps the center of town.
14) It’s really hard to get lost in Barre.
15) Barre is not under water like Enfield, Greenwich, Prescott and Dana are.
16) It only takes 5-6 minutes to get to the town center no matter where you live.
17) You get your mail even if it is addressed to an old residential address from years ago.
18) You can actually see a bear or a cow cross the street in front of you as you drive by.
19) You can safely walk down the street at night keeping item number 17 above in mind.
20) I’ve lived in the town of Barre longer than I lived anywhere else (14 yrs.) so it’s starting to feel like home.

Magic Wishing Well Wish of the Day:
"I wish I had the power to wish"
Visit the Magic Wishing Well

This just in: I was looking for information on the Quabbin Reservoir and I found this picture from a site listing the reasons why small town living is good (it's comparing what you can get for your money in a small town as opposed to a place like NYC)

wow, this is SO similar to my house!
That house is freakishly similar to my house... Apparently this person knows EXACTLY what kind of house you can get in a small town! Wow!

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